Here’s Everything You Need to Know about Hiring a Virtual Assistant

It can seem like such a daunting task to do. Hiring a VA… BUT, in all honesty it is no different to hiring a regular employee.

There are however certain things we recommend doing before making the final decision.

This article will help you decide on the VA you need and to make sure you are confident on your choice.


As we all know, whether it’s virtual or in person, experience is everything. It determines the level of quality to expect and it sets a benchmark for pay.

Beyond this, experience also predetermines the level of professionalism to expect due to their understanding on how to handle a variety of situations.

A simple way to find more about the person in question experience is to ask for references. Or even previous projects worked on.

This is a simple benchmark to understand skill, capability, work ethic and qualifications.

Keep Your Options Open At All Times

Just because you have seen one of the potential hundreds of VA available does not mean they are the “one.”

It was a mistake I made myself when I started looking for VAs. It is always better to have more than 3 options at any given time.

This does not mean you cannot settle for one later on but purely so that you don’t close of options.

Have Expectations.

It is easily done. You find a VA that look okay for your need and you just settle for that. However, this is possibly the worst thing that could be done.

Always know your expectations! Not only does this help you know what you want but the VAs as well.

There’s nothing worse than hiring a VA and them not living up to your expectations.

Keep in Regular Contact with Them

Don’t let regular communications slip. Think of it like a stakeholder, wouldn’t completely ignore them and expect them to just know everything that is happening. They aren’t telepathic!

Communication is probably the easiest aspect of working with a VA. It’s all online! No meetings needing to be set up, no trying to find them in the office. A simple message on the desired communication platform.

Honesty is Key

Although it sounds like we are just describing the normal hiring process, doing it online isn’t much different.

However, this does not mean you let honesty fly away. It is important to be open towards them. Make sure they know what it going on within the company and how it will affect them.

Final Thoughts

When hiring a VA be open. Everyone is different and it may be a while before you find the right fit, like any employment process.

Do your research. It may be easy to slip into the old look at their profile and settle straight away. Dont. Take the time to find out more about the individual. Ask any one they might have worked for before.

Let us know if there are any other factors you think we should add.

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