Organic OR Paid Advertisement: Pros and Caveats

Here at M&C’s VA Agency, we talk heavily about social media growth, and one of the topics that has come up is organic or paid advertising.

This is an important topic for any social media account wanting to grow.

It all comes down to how fast you want results.

Organic Social Media Growth

Organic growth is exactly what it sounds like, you post consistently every day and grow your social media account.

The key to this method is consistency. Without this you will get nowhere.

You must be willing to travel the path that no one else is willing to do.

Pros to Organic Growth

It completely free. In terms of money, you pay virtually nothing, expect for a way of getting/making content.

There is no limit to how far you can plan.

It makes it much easier to engage with your audience with in-detail information.

Caveats to Organic Growth

It takes time. Again, this is where consistency comes into play.

Learning content creation and photography.

You must be committed to growing.

Paid advertisement for social medias

Again, exactly what it sounds like. You pay for a social media platform to advertise your post(s).

The key method to this is to be able to analyse data and make decisions about the budget.

Pros to paid advertising

It is very close to ‘pay-to-win’. The more you put in the quicker you gain traction.

You can target a specific group of people with a specific niche.

You can leverage your best content.

Caveats to paid advertising

Be prepared to pay. When starting out it is difficult to get you PPC down. This results in paying large amounts of money for a while.

Your market may be too niche. This often raises the price of advertising. Try and keep it broad.

People may see it as biased, making them sceptical about what you are trying to sell. This only really applies to physical products but sometimes it could affect a service.


It all depends on what you want from social media. If you want to get famous overnight, then go for the paid strategy but if you want to build up a brand then stick to organic growth.

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