LAtest posts

How To Effectively Post On Social Media
No doubt that social media has boomed over the last decade. But this also means, social media has changed. And because of this, so do you. In this blog post we will discuss about how to post on social...
Why Do People Engage With Your Content; How Can You Leverage This?
A massive issue that most small businesses face is getting people to engage with their content. We believe the main problem to this is because they do not understand what people want to see for them to...
Organic OR Paid Advertisement: Pros and Caveats
Here at M&C’s VA Agency, we talk heavily about social media growth, and one of the topics that has come up is organic or paid advertising. This is an important topic for any social media account wanting...
How To Write A Blog Post.
If you haven’t seen the previous post “How To Start A Blog” then we recommend you go and read that as this post will go into greater detail about actually writing a post. From the title to format, we are...
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